Monday, October 26, 2009

I have to put in my grand-nephew at least once. Things that fly are his obsession.

night photography - blur

christine falls

Bob at Tumwater Falls

Couldn't resist an aperture shot.

Rhea - Shutter Control - Tumwater Falls

The following is from the water assignment, but it looks more like a sci-fi cell. This was shot at ISO 200, 1/15th, 'f' of 5.6. Such a water spider.

Bob - Tumwater Falls

Both this and the next picture were taken at the same settings - Iso 200, speed 1/10, aperture at F22, but the blurred effect is stronger with the speed of the water in the second shot.

Bob at Tumwater Falls: OOPS - see next picture comments first,

More blurr created a situation where the picture would start to wash out. Filters or waiting for different lighting??

Rhea - Reflections

I wanted to include a couple from previous assignments for the final posting. Here is one from the pumpkin patch, and no - there are no pumpkins in this photo. This is a reflection from the window of a '57 Chevy pick-up. The back of the seat inside and the view out the opposite window along with the reflection. his was take at ISO 200, 1/60 and an 'f' of 5.6.

Linda -- Flowing water

1/20 sec
f 3.6
ISO 100
I liked how the water looked as it flowed softly over the rocks. I also thought the water had a feeling of motion within the photograph.

Shot at 1/2500 sec; f/3.5.
This is a pretty ordinary photo but I wanted to try different shutter speeds with rapidly moving water. This catches the water in just one tiny instant during its travel over the falls. I noticed that in resizing this image, there was quite a bit of sharpness that was lost.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lisa: Smoke

1.6 sec
ISO 200

I know this isn't the best image, but I am happy that I finally can do the silky/smoky water effect. I did a lot of work on it in Camera Raw, so that's why it looks a little over exaggerated. I might have gone a little to far, but I was trying for the dreamy effect since the water looked smokey to me.

Bill - Tumwater Falls

1/20 Sec.
ISO 200
I like the feeling of motion that is made by the water with the slow shutter speed. I didn't have a tripod for this shot. I just had the camera resting on a hand rail.

Andrea - Field Trip

This was a last-minute shot I took while coming back to meet the group. I thought that the few images I took of this were all out of focus, but this one surprised me and was not! I like how the stream of water was frozen, and I like the reflections on the faucet and in the water. I also like the shallow depth of field so that the faucet and water stand out. I think that the shadows in the background are a bit distracting (I like the shadows in the bowl, but the ones on the ground are a bit distracting to me).

Shutter speed 1/640
Aperture 2.8
ISO 200
Focal length 62 mm
WB was set for sun, I think

Dave W - Tumwater Falls

F29 - ISO200 - 28mm - 1/10s - cloudy wb ... I like the texture of the water and the colors of the trees. I wish I would have included more of the trees and less of the left portion of the photo.
F22 - ISO100 - 24mm - 1/4s - cloudy wb ... I like the smooth texture of the water and the contrast between the bright water and the dark surroundings.

Stephanie - Water

This was one of my last stops on the trail. I spent a lot of time photographing the falls and various angles of the water. I had several favorites when I was done, but this was at the top of my list. Water was dripping off of a small 'cliff' into a puddle. I wanted to try to capture at least one drop. I set my camera to continuous shooting and took several shots all at once.
I like the way the droplet is so visible and the rings in the water add light to the leaves underneath. The light was low, but I like how the dark areas help to emphasize the small light reflections from the little sun that was coming in.
Shutter 1/500
Aperture 5.0
1600 ISO
Auto WB

Andrea - Field Trip

I found a small waterfall along the trail and spent some time taking pictures from different angles and at different shutter speeds. I like how the water was glassy smooth in the top 'pool' part with the leaves floating on the surface. I also like how I was able to blur the water coming down the rocks. I would like it if the leaves in the bottom of the image were a bit more in focus.

Shutter Priority
Shutter speed 1/30
Aperture f/4
ISO 200
Focal length 70 mm
WB was set for sun, I think

Maria-Just the water

Focal length 50 mm
Shutter speed 1/1250
ISO 100
Oops! I forgot to switch my white balance from cloud to sun. I'll be checking white balance first thing in the future. I like the patterns in the water. This photo might be too simplistic.

Dianna-Week 5-Field Trip

Tumwater Falls

I just wanted to find a quiet secluded spot in the park to take a tranquil photo.
WB Sunny
Metering Mode: Spot
Shutter Speed 1/1000
ISO 800
Focal Length 55 mm
The right side shadow is a bit distracting.

I like this photo because of the contrast between the calm and the power of the falls. The log on the far right just feels like it is ready to fall over the falls.
WB Shade
Metering Mode: Pattern
Shutter Speed 1/800
ISO 800
Focal Length 102 mm
I would have liked if I was able get the water slowed down just a bit more. After many tries this was the more balance exposure I was able to get.

The Little Stream

This photo gave me the feeling I was almost on top of the falls when I was actually laying on the ground taking a photo of a little stream dribbling on the trail. After many tries and combinations I was able to just slow down a small flow of water using
Metering Mode: Pattern
F/6.3 with AV -1 2/3
Shutter Speed 1/160
ISO 800
Focal Length 75 mm
I would have liked if I was able get the photo a little lighter.

Photos by James

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Barbra - Variation on Derek's Theme

iPhone 3MP camera

Derek - Falls Park Field Trip - Reflection

1/15 sec.

Out of the photos I managed to get here, this is the one I like the most. The water at this point in the river didn't appear to be moving very fast, but what I wanted was to get the water to smooth out enough to look glassy so that the reflection was clear.

Water Fountain PLUS

THANKS to ALL for coming out for our Shutter Speed and Water field trip on this beautiful WA Fall day.

I look forward to seeing your images!

(playing around with my minimalist 3 MP iPhone camera!)

f/stop ?, shutter?, ISO ?, meter ? (I bet you can figure it out!!!!!)

See you Monday,

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dianna-Week 5-Exposure Part 2

Tackle Evasion Attempt
See my comment for the rest of the assignment regarding this image.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lisa - Eyes

Aperture f/5.6
ISO 100

This is an out of the box shot for me because I usually feel that I need to get the ears of the cat in the shot. I did do some post-production work on the eyes because I wanted them to pop more and I sharpened it up a bit in photoshop.

Linda -- The Old Brew House

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dave W - Exposure Pt 1

Another cloudy day (imagine that in Olympia!) F4.5, A 1/4000, ISO 1600. I like the contrast between the greens and yellows and the building. I used the auto white balance, I should have tried the cloudy day setting. You can probably guess where this is. The histogram peaked in the middle of the left panel, half way up and peaked lower in the right panel.

Andrea- Week 4 Exposure

ISO 200
Focal Length 50 mm
Aperture f/5.6
Shutter Speed 1/160

My son was playing with these glass "jewels" and I liked how the light was reflecting off of them. I tried various apertures until I found one with the amount of blurriness that I liked for the concrete while keeping the "jewels" mostly in focus. I usually take pics of my kids, so this was different for me.

Bill - Week 4

Shutter Speed 1/500Sec.
Aperture Value F5.6
ISO 800
Lens EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Focal Length 55.0 mm
White Balance Auto.

I liked the color and texture variation of this photo. I wanted a relatively small depth of field. It was windy and blowing the plant around. I used an ISO of 800 so I would have a faster shutter speed to stop the plant motion. What I don’t like is the long white ends of the plant in the middle of the photo pulls my eye away from everything else too fast. I also wish I would have taken another photo with everything in sharp focus to see if I liked that better.

Focal Length 37 mm
Exposure 1/160
ISO 800
White Balance Cloudy

This shot was taken next to the KGY radio building, looking across to Priest Point Park. On the histogram chart, it could use more balanced activity in the brightest tones. I tried different aperture settings for this shot but it was a windy day and when I had the aperture open more the grass was blowing around and out of focus. I used ISO 800 on this shot because of the greyness of the setting, but I think ISO 800 and f/16 is not really a good combination. I like that I took this shot at a location I had not used for photographs before. I also like the different patterns and textures of the grass, log, water and trees. I don't like that the water takes up so much space and that that the trees across the bay could have better focus. This photo was outside of the box in terms of being taken at a place where I had never taken pictures before but it was inside of the box in terms of the subject matter being things that I normally take pictures of.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Derek - Week 4 - AV

ISO 200

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dianna-Week 4-Exposure Part 1-an extra image

I don't want to clog the blog but couldn't resist posting an additional image.
The other was my 'out of the box' image, this one is my 'in the box' image.

Dianna-Week 4-Exposure Part 1

My 'out of the box' shot.
See my comment for the rest of the assignment regarding this image.

Thursday, October 15, 2009